Buis van het airconditioningskoper - de Dwarsc x C x C x C, Koperreductiemiddelen

Buis van het airconditioningskoper - de Dwarsc x C x C x C, Koperreductiemiddelen


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Air Conditioning Copper Tube - Cross C x C x C x C , Copper Reducers​ Specifications Material: copper Standard: ACR (basic ANSI B16.22) Higher ANSI B16.22 (close to MUELLER ) BS EN1254-1 We are manufactory of copper pipe fittings, such as coulpings, reducers, elbows, tee etc. for air conditioning and refrigeration equipment, water piping project and other industrial piping system. Standard: • ACR (basic ANSI B16.22) • Higher ANSI B16.22 (size & quality very close to MUELLER )

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